Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So, You Want to Know the Secrets

That's why you're here, right?

You've written a book, are writing a book, think you might write a book, and you want to know the answer to that age-old question:

How do I get it published?

You've been online googling and researching, right? You've stumbled upon this blog, and you're probably wondering who I am and why you should care what I have to say.

Maybe, you shouldn't.

Care, I mean.

I am, after all, one of thousands of published authors whose work appears in bookstores every year. What I have to say is mostly opinion based on experience and purposely designed to get you to do what you've been dreaming of - write.

Because, that is the beginning of it all.

And, really, it is also the end.

For what it's worth, and in case you are still reading, I've been a published author for six years. I've sold 26 titles to my publisher. Twenty of them have already been through production.  The other six are written and waiting to go to print, or are being written, or are in my head waiting to be written.

That's the thing about being an author. It doesn't end with a book on the shelf. It is a circular pattern of work that begins with an idea and ends with the book and then begins all over again.

Are you still curious?

I'll tell you this, then. I am traditionally published, meaning that I receive an advance on my work and then royalties against that advance. My publisher is one of the largest publisher of women's fiction in the world. It puts out more books a year than I'd care to count.

I am what is called a mid-list author, so if you're thinking Nora Roberts or Linda Howard or Debbie Macomber (yeah, that's a hint as to who my publisher is. All three began where I am), think again. I make good money at what I do, but you've probably never heard my name.

I'm out there, though. As easy to find as water in the ocean. Just google my name, and my books appear.

But, you don't know my name, do you?

And, that's the way I plan to keep it.

This isn't a blog for self promotion. This is a blog for telling the truth, for discussing the highs and lows of a writing career, the struggles and the joys. For sharing, with those who care to learn, what it takes to be published and to stay published.

You want to write, right?

Maybe, I can help you.

Or, maybe by visiting here you will find the courage to help yourself.

Either, way you're going to learn more of the truth about the writing business than you ever wanted to know.

So, grab some coffee, pull up a chair and prepare to learn the not so secret secrets to success in writing.